Monday, August 1, 2011

My first skill post < compare and contrast >

<Compare & Contrast>
1. All camps are made to improve English skills.
2. The camps are held in another country suh as America, Canada and Phillipins.
3. The Camp Big Apple and Ranch West Camp are both a camp without any parents.
4. All camps have a outside activity to do.
5. Camp Big Apple is taught by believable teachers but Ranch West Camp, the teachers sre not trustworthy.
6. Ranch West Camp is held in a rural place unlike the others.
7. Head Start Splash are near the beach unlike the others.
8. The three camps all have diifferent weeks to participate.
9. The Camp Big Apple is held in a domitorie unlike Ranch West Camp which is held in a homestay situation.
10. The Camp Big Apples are studying most about inportant test such as SAT on the other hand, others are not.


  1. Hi,
    Look at the post that I made on my blog. I want you to write in essay form, with full sentences arranged in paragraphs, not just making a list.

  2. Thank you... iposted my essay...
