Wednesday, August 17, 2011

skill post 1< rewrite >

*editted and profreeded*
<Three camps: Camp big Apple, Ranch West Camp, Head Start Splash>

   What would you choose if you had to choose a camp among the three camps? I would choose Camp Big Apple. Do you want to know why? Then keep reading!
   First, unlike other camps, it's held in America! merica. What can you think about when you hear the word America? First language1 The purpose of English camps are to improve English skills! America is a really good place to improve your English skills. However, this camp only studies for important tests suh as S.A.T. but doesn't get to study any other subjects. On the other hand, Ranch West Camp can choose subjects that you want to study, do you get to learn more and get freedom to choose with a smile on your face.
   Second, Camp BIg Apple has trustworthy teachers. Head Start Splash have philipins local teachers. However, Camp Big Apple hyave teachers who are Korean with at least Master's degrees.
   Thid, parents are the problem. In English camp just lik GLPS, you don't need to stay with parents so many people who came to GLPS say that it was helpful and now some of them are in KMLA. Also in Camp
Bid Apple, it's a dormitory situation unlike the Head Start Splash. In Head Start Splash, parents have to stay together.
   In conclusion, I think Camp Big Apple is the best.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Skill Post ② < summarize & paraphrase 4...>

1st- [Shark attacks] summarize

Many people are afraid of sharks. But you don't need to be. Because there's more opportunity to be killed by drowning and lightening than being killed by a shark in the ocean. To give you tips not to get killed by a shark in the ocean, ① Travel in a group.② Don't to into the water if you have a hurt on your body because sharks have a good sense of smell.

2nd- [4th paragraph of bear attacks] paraphrase

In Yellowstone National Park in the U.S statistics show that there are more chances to be drown than being killed by a bear. Between 1839~ 1994, 101 people died from drowning. However, only 5 people died from bear attack.

3rd- [My Experience] summarize

One day, I was going down the stairs after going to the bookstore. I was jumoing down the stairs and a bad result came to me. I fell down and it started to bleed. It bleeded a lot. Few weeks later, I was running with my friend in  school, and I hurt the same place! It was really painful.

4th- [Penguin: Source;

Penguins are aquatic, flightless birds! They lay eggs, have feathers, and they are powerful swimmers. The Emperor penguin can stay underwater for 30 minutes long. They live in Southern Hemisphere including Artarctica and New Zealand.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Fun Post....Drama: Boys over flowers.

It's a drama which my favorite actor Lee Min Ho!!!
In Boys over flowers, there is a fake group called F4. In F4, There is Gu Goon Pyo(Lee Min Ho), Yoon Ji Hoo(Kim Hyung Joong), So Ii Jung(Kim Bum), Song U Bin(Kim Joon)... They are all very handsome..FOr this drama, there is a lot of OST but I like the one called "Stand By Me" most. Here's the video:
(From left) Gu Goon Pyo(Lee Min Ho), Yoon Ji Hoo(Kim Hyung Joong), So Ii Jung(Kim Bum), Song U Bin(Kim Joon) In this group Lee Min Ho is the leader.

Friday, August 5, 2011


   This is a picture of  Indian Family. And I am the girl which is at the end on the left side(for fake). Today, I am going to tell you about our food per week. We eat a lot.
   Yesterday, in the moning we ate scramble egg. We always don't forget to eat fruits. Yesterday we ate orange and banana for fruit desert. Oh, and we ate some mlk too! We are kind of rich so we eat a lot. We usually have some flat breadfs with cury sauce but it was just yeaterday that we ate in a different way. I think I prefer the flat bread with cury sauce. I think I prefer them because it's our country food and I used to eat those a lot since I was young.
   For lunch, I ate what I expected to eat and what I wanted to eat. Cury sauce with flat bread!!^^ It was very good! I liked my food!!
   Yesterday meal was nice and I would like to eat my country food again until I die!^^

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Fun Post.....pop song contest.

Last week Saturday, we had a pop song contest. And our class won!!!! We sang Tik Tok by Kesha...
Here's the song:

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Fun post...------- Lee Min ho

I'm going to talk about my favourite actor Lee Min Ho!!!!!!
Min Ho is 187cm tall...He's very tall!!!
Plus, he is very handsome!!!

He was on the drama called: Boys over flowers, personal likes, and city hunter.
He was on the movie called: Kangcheoljung, and Our school Et.
He was born in 1987 June 22th..
   I like him very much because of three reasons. He is handsome, good at acting as an actor, and he is very tall.

Skill post 1 < compare and contrast essay >

-compare and contrast-

Camp big apple
-Held in America
-Prepare for important Enlish test such as SAT.
-Live in dormitorie with other students from arounjd the world.
-Has other activity
-trustworthy teaches.
-don't get to study other thing but test.

Ranch West Camp
-Held in Cananda
-Students can choose the subjects they want to study
-homestay sitiation
-Has outside activity
-Don't get to study variety of things because you choose the subject to study.

Head  start splash
-Held in Phillipins(Cebu)
-International school.
-taught by local teachers
-one parent must acompany each student to camp at a small apartment near beach
-10 minutes to beach so it distracts the studying
-Has outside activity

   I am going to write a compare and comtrast essay about the camps above. Weel, for me I think Camp big apple is the best camp. Here's the reason why:
   First, truthworthy teachers are there in America to teach. The teachers are taught by Korean professors with at least a master degree. However, others are not! If we are going to a ENglish camp or any other camp, I think teachers are one thing to consider about.
   Second, the country children have to stay in!! America!! It's a great place to study English as a seecond language! For example, my friend , she went to America ang she improved her English skills a lot.
   Third, staying with parents! In the camp which is hld in Phillipins, the parents stay near the children so children might not try as hard as when their parents are far or not with them.My friend told me that she wnats to try harder when parents are far away because she wants to surprise her parents how her English skills improved.
   These were the reasons why I like the Camp Big Apple the most. Also, I was comparing and contrasting the camps as I explained why I like Camp big apple. Thank You.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Relay writing

* It was relay writing so it might sound wierd and I only wrote the first two sentences. Rest of it are my classmate's writing....*

One day I found an very old piano in the middle of the forest. A boy was playing it. I approached slowly to that boy. When he stopped playing and looked me up, I realized that his eyes were yellow. He said somrthing but his voice didn't come out. Also, his teeth were blue. I was so frightend and couldn't speak. Just then the boy went back playing piano. He wasn't playing classical or any kind of music that exist in world. It sounded like an alien language or something like that. Suddenly, the boy changed into a very cute girl. Then he changed into a puppy. He was alien. Actually he was an Avatar from the movie called 'Avatar'. He called Chang. Chang was the boss of avatar. The spaceships attacked Earth. Chang killed so many people and he changed his name to Seoon. Seoon was jailed for 51235764321 years after he got caught. Then, the king of Aliens appeared. Her name was 'A Hyun'!!! She said "Die you ediots!"., Then al aliens died. But one alien survied and moved to the moon. He kidnapped a girl from Earth and married her. The girl was so sad and angry at the alien. So that girl suicided and everything was gone.

Monday, August 1, 2011

My first skill post < compare and contrast >

<Compare & Contrast>
1. All camps are made to improve English skills.
2. The camps are held in another country suh as America, Canada and Phillipins.
3. The Camp Big Apple and Ranch West Camp are both a camp without any parents.
4. All camps have a outside activity to do.
5. Camp Big Apple is taught by believable teachers but Ranch West Camp, the teachers sre not trustworthy.
6. Ranch West Camp is held in a rural place unlike the others.
7. Head Start Splash are near the beach unlike the others.
8. The three camps all have diifferent weeks to participate.
9. The Camp Big Apple is held in a domitorie unlike Ranch West Camp which is held in a homestay situation.
10. The Camp Big Apples are studying most about inportant test such as SAT on the other hand, others are not.